Monday, June 8, 2009

It's OK to Eat That? New Foods for You II

The inaugural installment of New Foods for You brought about a bit of backlash from my inner circle. The anti-Foie Gras establishment could not believe I would encourage the consumption of duck or goose liver. Number 1) My palate is refined and I can't go around eating Happy Meals and Taco Bell the way you used to after a long day (and night, and day again) of freebasing. Number 2) Often, these self-righteous naysayers are simply jumping on the most recent bandwagon that happened to be passing by their Upper East Side co-op. The poor, defenseless ducks and geese happen to be their current cause célèbre. And finally, number 3) I'll eat whatever the hell I please. On to the food!

Who needs fish sticks when there is pan seared Chilean sea bass? That's bass as in fish, not the bass you equipped your hooptie with before it was repossessed by the fine folks at the used car lot. This is bass as in CLASS—something you'll have a bit of once you've completed Mr. Mannerz finishing school. Now, truth be told, this fellow isn't the sharpest looking guy in the sea. But when he's cooked up, there's no stopping him.

Some virgin olive oil, salt and pepper, and stainless steel All-Clad is all this guy really needs to pretty up. So when the waiter presents this to you, don't make the same face when you saw the foie gras for the first time. Act like you know.

Wait wait wait. Stop the presses. As I was about to publish this post, I just learned from my assistant that there's a great deal of controversy surrounding the Chilean sea bass and whether or not it's on the endangered species list. Well, as far as I'm concerned, people with class and grace are on the endangered species list, so don't permit this to concern you. I'll look into this matter more thoroughly. As for now, place your napkin on your lap, not down your shirt. And please, I beg you friend, please wipe the corners of your mouth. That full mouth swipe is beyond déclassé. It's très trashay.

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