It's Mr. Mannerz Fashion Time again. Now that you've rid yourself from Crystal Meth's grip, you've been putting more effort into your appearance. Before you walk into Barneys or Jeffrey, know your A(lexander McQueen) B(alenciaga) C(hanel)s. Mispronouncing designer names is the best way to reveal your sordid, uncultured, lowbrow, deadbeat past.
1. Andrew Gn—Your bumpkin cousin Otis says an-droo g.n.
Mr. Mannerz correctly pronounces it an-droo gen.
2. Giambattista Valli—Cousin Otis: ghee-a-bat-ihsta vay-lee
Mr. Mannerz: jahm-ba-teesta val-ee
3. Proenza Schouler—Cousin Otis: prone-za dess sho-u-ler
Mr. Mannerz: pro-ehn-zah skoo-ler
4. TSE—Cousin Otis: t.s.e.
Mr. Mannerz: say
5. Miu Miu—Cousin Otis: my-oo my-oo
Mr. Mannerz: mew mew
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