Who doesn't love fashion? One is able to endlessly express herself through dress (sometimes to the point of contrived Halloween costume you naughty, directionless hipsters). But in order to participate in fashion on a higher level it's important to not only know what and who you're talking about, but how to pronounce these labels as well. Below is a primer for the commonly butchered names.
1. Givenchy—Your bumpkin cousin Otis says gi-ven-chee.
Mr. Mannerz correctly pronounces it zhee-vahn-she.
2. Versace—Cousin Otis: ver-sayse
Mr. Mannerz: ver-sah-chee
3. Comme des Garçons—Cousin Otis: calm dess gar-kons
Mr. Mannerz: comb day gar-sahn
4. Christian Louboutin—Cousin Otis: criss-chyan la-boot-in
Mr. Mannerz: criss-tee-en loo-boo-teh
5. Yves Saint Laurent—Cousin Otis: why-vess saynt lohr-ent
Mr. Mannerz: eves sawn laur-ahn
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